
Another good-bye

So, it seems like the day has come. Once we have helped Fritz to get his frozen stuff off the transportation boat (Versorgungsschiff) and we were able to buy flour and the rest of the stuff we need we will set sails and leave Mangareva and Iles de Gambier heading towards the Atoll of Hao. We had a great time, it was the longest stop EVER on our trip so far.

When we first arrived I only saw the green island of Mangareva and thought "well, looks just like in Brazil. Why sail here?" Now, after 3 weeks here, I changed my mind. I have come to love this little place with its friendly people who keep their island licked clean, the wonderful fruits, the way of living, the fresh baguette, the music and dancing every night, the beautiful singing, and even that you can't get all that you want all the time. You learn to took forward to the arrival of the transportation ship which brings new alimentation, all kinds of goods and, of course, the mail. Passing by the harbour is fun where everybody arrives with his car and takes the goods sent for him. People order (maybe via internet or fax?) goods in Tahiti and the next ship brings the stuff. Everything from food to construction material, cars, furniture, clothes....And everybody orders his own gas / diesel in canisters of 200l. There is no gasstation here - .even with all the cars on this island. But, it works.

The island is way cleaner than anything I have seen in Brazil, Argentina or Chile. People constantly mow their grass (mähen) and take all the leaves out of the immens huge gardens. Some are busy everyday to keep the garden clean. And I love that in addition to all the huge trees (the biggest trees I have ever seen) they have many flowers in their gardens. They love flowers and I love their flower hats.

I had so much time here that I even started drawing again and playing the guitar. Last night I practiced a little bit before I went to bed and learned my first song. Cool. The new strings that Sebastian brought are great, a lot better to play.

So, time to say good-bye. I am sending the last pictures from here - but this time not regular photographies but photos of some drawings I made. Not great, but fun. And don't forget: Alita did not lie still while I drew....Too bad the flash ruins the drawings a bit, but scanning takes a bit more time...

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