Monday we had lunch at a beach restaurant and then walked through the sand from there to the Delegacao Maritim hoping to meet the guy who needs to give us new papers to travel on to Praia / Santiago. Well, we went there everyday now and today we finally were lucky, paid our EUR7 and can go on now (which we won't do immediately). Almost everyday we go to the market and buy fresh fruit, salad and vegetables. Perfect for me: Mango and Papaya, soo goood. So we eat lots of vitamins every day, mostly raw. And fish, fresh fish from the fish market.
Yesterday we had a very cute scene at the beach pulling our Dingi back into the water. A little black boy, naked, came and helped us. He was so proud that he could be helüpful like all the other grown ups that get money for it. Of course it did not help a bit but it was soo cute. He stood behind Marcus (on the other side from me), lifted a handle and pulled. You could really see his muscles work. While doing that he had the biggest smile on his face.
The fish market is a place of it's own as well. The men are probably out fishing, the women selling the fish in the market. They are all sitting in front of the building, little kids on the back or playing in the dirt, and when someone comes they all jump up, yell around and want to make you buy from them. Today you could hear the market hall long before we saw it. All the women talking - or yelling? - to each other. When we were inside looking for fish it was so loud I couldn't even undersand Marcus when he tried to aks me something while standing next to me. Wow. Women fighting over selling food....
Yesterday we went snorkeling at a wreck which is in the bay here (after our typical morning town tour trying to get a hold of the maritim officer and going to the markets).

On the way back we stopped at the beach restaurant, pulled the Dinghi up the sand and went for a Pina Colada. Back at Alita I went snorkeling again whil Marcus went diving to clean the propeller.
Back in the boat I cut Marcus hair. Well, on a tour like this you have to do all yourself ;-) Need to cut my hair, which is getting more and more curly every day, soon as well.
Finally we made the most wonderful dinner we had on this whole trip. Fresh Tuna, prepared and grilled by Marcus and with it some potatoe/pumpkin gratin and a salad with white cabbage in it, almost tasted like Cole Slaw.

Wishing you a great thursady.
Traumhaft Euer kleines Paradies! Und schön zu lesen, dass es Dir wieder gut geht, liebe Michaela! Weiter gute Erholung!
AntwortenLöschenHallo Micha, Ihr seid noch auf den Kapverden? Ich war mal vor 13 Jahren da. Inzwischen dürfte sich viel verändert haben. Morgen (Samstag) denk' ich wieder an Dich, wenn ich bei Thierry an der Stange stehe und schwitze ;-) Gruss Anna
AntwortenLöschenjetzt versuch ich es mal!!
Es ist schön zu hören, dass es Euch gut geht und alle wieder wohlauf seid.
Geniesst die Zeit rund um Kap Verden.
Alles Liebe und Gute
Jutta + Ivan
@ Astrid: danke für die lieben Wünsche. Es ist jetzt echt schön...
AntwortenLöschen@ Anna: Ja, es hat sich sicher viel verändert. Du würdest es nicht wiedererkennen. Wünsche Dir viel Spaß im Ballett morgen. Das vermisse ich sehr. Sag dem Thierry liebe Grüße von mir!
@ Jutta + Ivan: Danke! Noch 10 Tage genießen...Hihi