
Fox Bay

We left Sand Point this morning headed for the mainland only 4nm away and then further to the east. As we motored along it cleared up more and more and the mainland, the western Alaskan Peninsula, revealed its snowy and icy majestic beauty that makes you speechless. I never get tired of this amazing view. As we moved along the mountain chain it was so peaceful, hardly any wind and this flat sea top over a SE swell of about 1m. That made for super photos with Puffins and seagulls and later even whales in the foreground. Words are not enough to describe the beauty. Under way Marcus decided to shorten our travel distance and so we ended up at Fox Bay with a spectacular view from our well protected and green anchorage bay over to snow covered mountain range. And it's just peaceful and quiet. As the name suggests we're supposed to see Foxes here and even wolves. When I saw something walking in the bush out the angle of my eye I wondered that a fox would be that tall until I took a
closer look (with my camera) and found out it was a brown bear!! Oh my god, my first bear in nature!!!
Ah and I forgot: we had our first fresh salmon today, soso good!!! A fisherman gave the fresh caught salomon fillets yesterday. King Salmon, so very good! What a day!

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